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Festival concerts – Olympus Musicus – International Music Festival

Festival concerts

August 18 at 7:30 p.m.

Klementinum Mirror Chapel

Křižovnické nám. 1040/4, 110 00 Old Town

The Chapel of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, better known as the Chapel of the Mirror, is located on the grounds of the Klementinum in Prague’s Old Town. Its interior is a remarkable example of the High Baroque style. The name Zrcadlová kaple (Mirror Chapel) is due to the large number of mirrors used to decorate the walls and vault.

August 20 at 7:00 p.m.

Antonín Dvořák Museum

Ke Karlovu 20 · 120 00 Praha 2 – New Town

The Antonín Dvořák Museum in Prague documents the life story and artistic and pedagogical activities of the Czech composer Antonín Dvořák. It is a unique exhibition of the Czech Museum of Music, which is part of the National Museum.

August 21 at 7:30 p.m.

Klementinum Mirror Chapel

Křižovnické nám. 1040/4, 110 00 Old Town

The Chapel of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, better known as the Chapel of the Mirror, is located on the grounds of the Klementinum in Prague’s Old Town. Its interior is a remarkable example of the High Baroque style. The name Zrcadlová kaple (Mirror Chapel) is due to the large number of mirrors used to decorate the walls and vault.

August 22 at 7:00 p.m.

Theresian Hall of the Břevnov Monastery

Markétská 1/28, 169 00 Prague 6

The Theresian Hall is the jewel of the Břevnov Monastery (from the middle of the 18th century) with a remarkable ceiling fresco of the Miracle of Blessed Vintír. The name of this room was given by Maria Theresa when she visited the monastery in 1753. The hall has a festive atmosphere and pleasant acoustics.